Guzet is a breeding ground for snowboard champions! Coming from the local club, Familha Snowboard, these riders represent Guzet at the highest level. And the club is not the same since the Familha Snowboard was ranked 3rd national club (and 1st Pyrenean club) among under-15s last season! Here we present our champions.
A snowboard sport-study in Seix
Young people from the snowboard sports section of the Seix college train on snow in Guzet every Tuesday and Wednesday, in addition to Saturdays and Sundays. Benefiting from flexible timetables and opportunities to catch up following travel, these students carry out a dual academic and sporting project. The pre- and post-season periods are dedicated to physical preparation and acrobatic work on trampolines. The section is exclusively supplied by the staff of the Familha Snowboard and benefits from its coaches, Roch in trampo, Laurent and Sébastien in snowboarding, as well as the EPS teachers, Hélène and Cécilia. A dream team!
Tom has been a member of the French Freestyle Snowboard Teams since 2018. With several French champion titles to his credit in recent years (cadet, junior) and a notable presence on international circuits, including a European Cup medal, Tom is one of the best French freestyle riders.
First a member of the Pôle Espoir Snowboard Freestyle before joining the French snowboardcross team in 2018.
2018 French minimal snowboardcross champion, medalist in big air and in the combined classification the same year, then again in snowboardcross in 2019, his high-level versatile profile has oriented him towards freeride. In 2020, he won the prestigious stage of Verbier in Switzerland among juniors at the Freeride World Tour; he placed second in the same event in 2021. He took a break in 2022 for his studies.
Naoya was a member of the “French Groms Freestyle” national selection for two seasons before joining the Espoirs of the Fon Romeu National Training Center in 2021.
A numerous medalist on the national youth circuit in all snowboard disciplines, his most recent results include a victory in the general classification of the French Youth Freestyle Cup (KNT) in 2020, as well as a gold medal at the international competition of the Audi Snowboard Series in Gstaad-Glacier 3000 (Switzerland)....
In 2021, he will participate in the finals of the World Rookie Tour, the global freestyle event for young people. He made a top 10 in the 15 and under category.
Double French chick champion in 2019, in freestyle snowboarding and combined, the pandemic has not yet allowed her to put her titles back on the line!
She has been a member of the “French Groms Freestyle” national selection since the 2019 season.
Very often a medalist on the national circuit, in freestyle snowboarding as in other disciplines, in 2020 she won the general chick classification of the French Youth Freestyle Cup (KNT) and managed to glean silver overall.
She placed second in 2020 during the international Audi Snowboard Series event in Gstaad-Glacier 3000 (Switzerland) and won the championship in Madrid (Spain) in 2021.
Noélie was the youngest three-time French vice-champion in 2019, in the disciplines of snowboardcross and parallel giant, as well as combined.
That year she also won the Spanish Snowboardcross Cup in Formigal. The pandemic has since put competitions on hold.
Very oriented towards speed disciplines, Noélie joined the Pôle Espoir de Briançon in September 2021
She was French freestyle snowboard champion and French snowboardcross vice-champion in 2017. Shining regularly on the national circuit thereafter, she however ended her competitive career in 2021.
Recently joined our team, Lou has won multiple medals in the young snowboardcross categories. She joined the French snowboardcross team in 2018, before devoting herself fully to freeride.
After several excellent performances since then, she is ranked in 2021 in the general junior freeride world rankings.
Lou will be this senior season on the FWT Freeride Qualifier.
The Ski Club des Vallées de Guzet, which was founded in 1979, celebrated its forty birthday last year. A great adventure for this club which has allowed many of the children of our valleys to ski. Guzet skiers represent their resort in the best way. We present to you our champion.
He is a skicross specialist, who cut his teeth with the European Cup group led by the Savoie Ski Committee. After several victories in the Coupe de France last season, he is heading internationally.